My upcoming gig with the”Secret Society of Internet Jazzers”

There are several different reasons that I employ the various Social Media tools available to us from around the web. One is connect with people who may never have heard my music and I can reach out to them, and them to me, and we connect. Another might be to keep a dialog open with industry people: Product manufacturers, other blogs etc. Yet another is to reach out to discover and get to know other musicians.

I’ve had the good fortune to get to know a good many wonderful artists all over the planet and this Tues, Sept. 7th, I’ll be celebrating with five people I’m lucky enough to count as friends.

The”Secret Society of Internet Jazzers” (#SSIJ) is a collaborative gig with musos from up and down the Pacific Northwest at the Beta Lounge in Dowtown Berkeley, CA.

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This show features myself and my first-call drummer Joe Shotwell from the Atmos Trio, dual trumpet duties from Seattle’s Jason Parker and Seaside CA’s Dave Hoffman, Santa Cruz bassist Steve Uccello and Oakland’s Darin Wilson on piano.

This particular group has never played together before so this provides a unique opportunity to witness/ participate in a Realtime Jazz experience. Dig it!

Not in the area? You can still join us! This concert will be LIVE VIDEO STREAMED.

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