Category: Pay What You Want

I Sell the Most When I Give it All Away

Thank you to all of you (and there were a lot) that took me up on my offer of gifting my Entire Music Catalog over this past holiday. I was told this was a brave and risky thing to do. I am grateful and humbled that so many people took the time to listen. I am also grateful for the unexpected spike in sales. Christmas eve was my heaviest music sales day of the entire year! Thank you for your support! If you missed it, don’t worry. You’ll be able to open a tab and let my Everything album play all day long from right here.

Bach’s Little Fugue Available to Stream, Share and Download

Just yesterday I shared my video of Bach’s Little Fugue in Gm. I was unprepared for the warm reception I received from the internet community, especially on Google+ where the video spent the day on the What’s Hot list! I was deluged with where the track could be purchased. The answer is, of course, right here. Please share this music and video if you see fit. You might just make someone’s day. So, if you want the Fugue as a single-song album? Here you go. Would you like the song, but also want to hear some other tunes but don’tContinue readingBach’s Little Fugue Available to Stream, Share and Download

Some call helping yourself to FREE music stealing. I call it sharing & I encourage it.

Some call helping yourself to FREE music stealing… I don’t. I call it sharing and I encourage it. Everything at my Global Music Store is available to share and hear completely free. If you want to perpetuate more art, great. I’m prepared to accept your payment, but I don’t expect it. If I had to choose (which we don’t–but if we did…) I would prefer that you share my music rather than purchase it. See you at the next gig.

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