“What So” from “Guard the Point”, an internet collaboration from artists the world over.

Here is the track from the 4-song EPĀ Guard the Point. Please let me know what you think!

*** If, for some reason an audio player doesn’t appear above, reload the page and it will probably show up. I’m not sure why… ***

Here is the guitar set-up review:

Two guitar cabs each w/ an 12″ EV are stacked atop one another and powered by my Mesa/ BoogieSimul-295

Stereo all-tube power amp.

Cab 1 is powered by 90 watts & blowing off-axis to mic (below)
Cab 2 is powered by 15 watts (Class A) close-mic’d w/ a Shure SM-57

To get the bluesy overdrive tone a Boss GT-8’s dual preamp system sends two signals:

1. a fairly clean Fender Twin model to Cab 1
2. A dirtier “Pro Crunch” overdriven tone to Cab 2.

Let me know what you think either in the comment here or on this Google+ thread.

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2 thoughts on ““What So” from “Guard the Point”, an internet collaboration from artists the world over.

  1. Tom Emmons says:

    Interesting tones. I had no idea that they were even coming from different amps, I’d assumed you were using the same amp with different settings!

  2. Rob Michael says:

    The fact that the GT-8 can send different amp models to each of the two cabs approximates a mutli-amo set-up.

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