Category: Session

Workflow Tutorial for the Collaborative Internet Musician

Welcome to the tutorial. For those of you that are collab-curious, I’m going to share with you some tips that I’ve found useful in the numerous remote (virtual some call them) recording sessions that I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in. The screen grabs seen here are from a project that I recently completed using Ableton Live (You can hear the finished tracks at the end of the post) but these tips are applicable to all recording software environments. I have covered a set of five excellent online services for internet collaboration, but I’ll get right down to the process in thisContinue readingWorkflow Tutorial for the Collaborative Internet Musician

“What So” from “Guard the Point”, an internet collaboration from artists the world over.

Here is the track from the 4-song EP Guard the Point. Please let me know what you think! What So by Legoland Empire *** If, for some reason an audio player doesn’t appear above, reload the page and it will probably show up. I’m not sure why… *** Here is the guitar set-up review: Two guitar cabs each w/ an 12″ EV are stacked atop one another and powered by my Mesa/ BoogieSimul-295 Stereo all-tube power amp. Cab 1 is powered by 90 watts & blowing off-axis to mic (below) Cab 2 is powered by 15 watts (Class A) close-mic’d w/Continue reading“What So” from “Guard the Point”, an internet collaboration from artists the world over.

New Video: Twitter-fueled SSIJ Jazz Band (LIVE)

It’s been a couple of weeks now since the SSIJ (Secret Society of Internet Jazzers) played the Beta Lounge in Berkeley, CA. We enjoyed an enthusiastic audience both in the room and on Ustream. The club was very dark so our Ustream crew was treated to primarily audio feed. Fortunately, we had a couple of other cameras that were able to catch a enough visual data for me to provide you this glimpse of the show. The main thing that struck me from this show was the musical strength and depth with which these musicians play. Who knew a pick-upContinue readingNew Video: Twitter-fueled SSIJ Jazz Band (LIVE)

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